Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Working It Out.

I have a whole 'nother family that I spend time with each week. My work family. I take my job as the HR person very seriously. I laugh with my co-workers. I cry with my co-workers. I pray with my co-workers. I praise and reprimand my co-workers. Each has their own story and each is a special soul to me.

F - The cleaning man. He yells at me for not wearing a coat when it is cold. He warns me about freshly mopped floors after he saw me slide across the floor once after he had just mopped it. Almost gave him a heart attack.

D - Wouldn't speak to me last weekend because she was mad at something that R had done the night before. My bubbly D. Last night she snuck into my office to steal my jumbo jelly beans and called me 'Mom'.

M - My dear M. My partner. My heart grieves for M as he struggles to hold on to a marriage with all of his heart. This week is going to be a rough one at work for M. I cannot even tell him about it yet but I am fighting for him and don't know how I will handle myself if things don't turn out. I have lost too many partners.

C- My sister in Christ. I've tried to protect her job but next week things will change. I asked if it could happen when I'm not there but was told I was the only one that was trusted to sit in on what will be a very difficult conversation.

J - My bubbly girl. Almost like my own daughter. I love her happy little voice and the fact that she will do anything I ask - always cheerfully.

E - Crazy E. So totally unlike me. We have some good conversations and he is someone I can tease with my dry sense of humor.

Some days I come home from work with a heavy heart. A lot of burdens. Somedays I come home from work excited about what God is doing. When Bob had his heart attack, I realized just how special many of my co-workers are and that they love me just as I love them. All 70.

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