My struggle, my desire - to be still and know that HE is God through each and every step I take.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring Has Sprung
Just as we celebrated His being alive a few weeks ago, the earth is showing signs of new life. I love it when Winter turns into Spring. When death turns into life. When brown turns into green.
It doesn't take special effects to thrill my soul. It takes the hand of a Creator.
I am a wife, mom, sister, grandma, friend, and human resource specialist who happens to love reading, animals,Diet Coke, simple pleasures, being outside, changing seasons, my family, my Lord. I am a private person. A passionate person. A person who sometimes struggles with being still and knowing that He is God. Sometimes I think God looks down at me and says, 'Becky, Becky, Becky'. I then remind Him that He created me totally unique and thank him that He knows my name!
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