In all the years I have been driving, I have never been pulled over. I know I sometimes tend to go too fast and even asked Mike one time how fast you 'had' to be going before getting pulled over. He assured me no worthy police officer would ever pull anyone over going less than 10 MPH over the speed limit. There was even a talk portion on our radio station a few weeks ago asking if officers could pull you over for going 5 MPH over the limit. I almost called in and said, ...... 'they wouldn't'.
Needless to say, I was mortified when I got pulled over this past week while taking Edwin to see my mom. I saw those wretched blue lights and knew it was me but thought I probably had a light out or a loose plate. Nope. I remembered to keep my hands in sight and not try to flee like my BFF did several years ago. He walked up and asked for my license and registration. He asked if Edwin was my grandson and I was quick to point out that he was and that his daddy was also a police officer which made me feel even worse.
I know the only reason I got just a warning was because of Edwin. I know that now the entire world knows because Edwin can talk. He tells people that a policeman told Grandma she was going too fast....... Yep I was. Exactly 10 MPH too fast.