Friday, June 5, 2009


Today we had the opportunity to visit Clayton, probably for the last time here on earth. As we drove to Grand Rapids, I thought about how quickly life goes by. Each day is truly a gift.

Seeing Clayton in the condition he is in made me wonder. The facility that he is in has to be one of the most depressing places I have been to. So many people with physical struggles. So many. The doctors are pressuring Marlene to take Clayton off his ventilator. That sounds like a plan except he is still aware of what is happening. His brain is still active. It is a scary thought. How do you determine that your spouse will be taken off the machine that gives him breath? No, he has no quality of life. No, he will not recover. No. No. No.

God knew about Clayton's first heartbeat 70 years ago. Shouldn't He determine when the last one will be? I am really struggling with this.

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