There are days when I honestly do not think about the grandchild that we lost. The grandchild we never got to know. There are other days that the loss is very poignant as I realize we would have had 4 three year old grandchildren rather than 3. Whenever I go to Jordan and Patrick's, I always take a few moments to see the little area they planted in this child's memory. I do not feel that this child is an angel awaiting us. The angels are created beings and I feel that aspect of creation is done. I do know that the soul of this child is in Heaven.

Six years ago we celebrated the birth of Jocelyn. It was....I can't think of a word to describe what it was like to watch my first grandchild being born. A child I had prayed for. A new generation. Along with death, comes life. Jocelyn has asked Jesus to be a part of her life so someday she will be reunited with the sibling she never had a chance to know. Heaven will be full of reunions.
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