Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Miracle at Moreau

One of the traditions I have begun with Jocelyn is watching Miracle at Moreau. The story takes place in France during WWII. A runner is attempting to get 3 Jewish children across the border and he finds a chateau where the nun and children are snowed in over the Holiday. The gestapo kills him as he attempts to steal food for the children. The Sister sees one of the disoriented children and rescues her and eventually the gestapo realizes that the three children are at the chateau. It is a story of hatred. It is a story of fear. It is a story of misunderstanding. It is ultimately a story of learning about another person as the previously fearful and mistrusting French children learn that these Jewish children have lost a lot in their lives but ultimately, they are alike. In the end, they ingeniously help the Jewish children escape and learn a lesson - The Holy Family was also Jewish.
Many of my childhood friends were Jewish. One thing I am thankful for is that living in Puerto Rico has taught me to respect diversity. I will always realize that a person must be saved to enjoy eternal life, but I try to value that person for someone whom God has created. Sin will always be sin, but I too am a sinner - saved by Grace. God's cross is wide enough to cover the sins of all people. Not just 'small' sins, but also 'big' sins.
Jocelyn is a year older and will understand more of the movie this year. One thing I attempt to instill in her is to love each person that comes into her life. To be kind to them. To show them her God. Her faith. The gift of a baby is actually what Christmas is all about. The gift was to everyone - Jew and Gentile.

1 comment:

Steve+Marie Douglas said...

I've never seen the movie but, sounds like I will have to look to see if I can find it! I WANT TO WATCH IT!!!