Sunday, April 19, 2009


Tonight we had a DVD narrated by Ray VanderLaan. He is my favorite. I never wanted to go to the Holy Land, but would love to go on one of his tours.

He shared from the Sea of Galilee. In Mark we know that Jesus and the disciples were on the sea. He sent them on across and went into the mountains, to pray. At the 4th watch, He realized that it was windy on the sea and the disciples were struggling. He walked out onto the sea and they saw him and were frightened. Finally, they realized who He was and asked for help. Christ heard.

Then there is the story of Peter. Passionate Peter. How I love hearing about him! Out of all the disciples, he was the only one who did not count the cost, but got out of the boat. As he realized he was sinking, he called out. Christ heard.

Life is so full of struggles. So full of storms. Christ hears. A woman awaiting an adoption and facing the winds of bureaucracy. A family struggling with job loss in a sinking economy. Health struggles. Family issues. Waves of pain. In each case, Christ hears those cries, those pleas. He awaits our cries for help. He doesn't always answer in the way we hoped, but sometimes allows those storms to toss us about for a while. Although He allows the winds to blow, He will never allow us to sink.

1 comment:

Together We Save said...

I enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for the helpful words.