Friday, September 25, 2009

Helping Hands

Today the Hershey Boy that we got to borrow was Edwin. He wanted to spend the night at the cabin but tomorrow is so busy that we had to put those plans on hold. We did get to spend the day together though.

We decided to go to a greenhouse that is out in the country. Being in a greenhouse was a chance to explain to Edwin that our world was once like that before God destroyed it with the flood. We talked about how it was warm, moist, and a place for living things. Almost anything in nature gives us a chance to talk about Who created it!

Edwin had so much fun picking our the mums. He decided that the yellow ones would be best. He helped load them in the car and unload them here at home. Today was also 'rebuild the fence' day and Edwin helped remove the wood out of the van. I pray he always has a servant's heart. A heart that is willing to help. Hands that are willing to get dirty. Hands that are open, waiting for the Lord to give and to take away.

Everyone said that being a grandparent is different in a good way, and it is. Each
grandchild adds something so special to our family and to our lives. Each having the potential to be a missionary, to be a pastor, to be another generation that serves the only One worth serving.

It was wonderful to get to spend the day with Edwin. When we took him home, Robert said, 'I am the oldest and the smallest.' Edwin then had to tell us, 'I am the youngest and the biggest.' I asked James what he was and he said, 'I am the middlest.' I told him he was the smiliest -my sunbeam! Just another reminder of the uniqueness of these little souls we have been entrusted with.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a cutie! I love your words through a grandparents' eyes.