Saturday, March 28, 2009

Little Girl Lost

About 1:00 today, I got a call asking me to assist in a theft apprehension. Normally I do not do this, but the person stealing was female and the only loss prevention associate present was a male. I went out to the floor and watched as the female in the blue coat continued to put items in her pockets. Because of the distance, I could not see how old she was.
As she stepped out of the door with an older female, W approached her and told her he was from loss prevention and asked her to return to the store with him. The older woman began to yell at her. I led the way back to Andy's office. This 15 year old girl began to pull rings out of her pocket. I knew I was to observe, not speak. As time wore on, and W finished the report, things began to relax. We waited for the police to arrive. It was then that I realized this was a little girl lost.
K was living with her 80 year old grandparents while her mom recuperated in a nursing home from a stroke. She was obviously impoverished. She was obviously somewhat mentally deficient. She wants to become a veterinarian. I told her that a split second decision can change our lives forever. That choices have consequences. Her brothers have been arrested for theft. She learned well. Mike Huckabee wants to save our city. There is more than one way, and it is one soul at a time. I longed to bring this little girl lost home with me. To give her a chance. A chance to find life eternal.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Day by Day by Day

It has been almost two weeks since Darlene had her mastectomy. The last drainage tube came out this week. She will be returning to her own home. A lot has happened in the 9 months since she called me and told me she has cancer. Now she faces another round of radiation.

My goal, my prayer, when all of this began was to show Christ to Darlene through my love for her. It has strengthened our friendship. When I talked to her the other day, she said, 'One Sunday I am going to church with you.' What could be more musical to my ears? Sometimes it is hard to live your life so that you are unashamed to gaze into the face of God. What an awesome, scary thought. I pray that my co-workers see a difference in me. That I stand for what is right. That I am not swayed by the crowd. That I do not yield to temptation. That I do right. Even if the stars fall.

Monday, March 23, 2009

James is the Man!

This weekend it was James' turn to spend the night. I often call him my 'Sweet Baby James'. He is the first boy I got to hold three years ago. When I would go visit, I would always ask the nurse which one needed some Grandma time the most, and it was usually James. He is my sunshine boy. Always has a smile on his face.

Last night we wrapped up The Truth Project at church. It was good to review all that we have talked about. The thought of gazing on the face of God is still so intimidating. So hard to think about. I go through trials and have to ask myself if I really believe that what I believe is really true. If it is, it will change the way I view every aspect of my life. For He truly is the Only Truth. The only Truth worth believing.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Red and Yellow, Black or White

I have had several days off this week so Jocelyn got to spend the night. One of the things I got to do was to visit Darlene at her sister's. I told Jocelyn we were going to visit one of my friends who had just had some surgery. I debated on telling her that Darlene is a different ethnicity. I decided not to. I wondered if Jocelyn would say anything. She didn't.

I think children see through skin color. They simply don't notice it. I remember moving to PR at five and although I did notice the dark hair, and hated being so blonde, I don't remember noticing the darker skin. To children, a person is a person unless taught otherwise. When we moved back to the US, that is something I really struggled with - the lack of different skin colors where we moved to and the feelings about those different skin colors. My friends had previously had a variety of skin tones.

I am so much more conscious of that now. Some of those prejudices are seeping in. That bothers me. I simply want to see everyone as a soul. A lost soul or one who will join me in eternity.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

After almost a year since she first found the lump under her arm, Darlene goes in for surgery tomorrow. A year. It has been a year filled with misdiagnosis, chemo, radiation, hair loss, weight loss. There have been several valley times.
Darlene has asked me to be at the hospital during her surgery. I know I will be one of many. I would be lying if I said I was going to be comfortable there. One thing for sure, I will be the only blonde.....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Three Years Ago....

Three years ago at 8:30 a.m., Mike called and said, 'Well, today is the day.' Dryscha had made it to 31w and 2 days, but could carry the boys no longer. It was earlier than what we had hoped, but I knew their chances of survival was good.
We got to the hospital at about 3:30 and at about 4:30, they came and got Dryscha. We waited and waited and waited. Finally, close to 7:30, Mike came out and said the boys had been born at 5:15, 5:16, and 5:17. He gave us their names, and weights and about 8:15, we all got a chance to go in and see them. So tiny. Hooked up to various machines. They looked good though. We had a chance to touch them and truly know that He is God!
Fast forward three years. They continue to charm. They continue to keep us on our toes. They continue to manifest God's goodness and graciousness to us. Happy Birthday Robert Mackenzie; James Philip, and Edwin Michael Kenneth.