Friday, March 20, 2009

Red and Yellow, Black or White

I have had several days off this week so Jocelyn got to spend the night. One of the things I got to do was to visit Darlene at her sister's. I told Jocelyn we were going to visit one of my friends who had just had some surgery. I debated on telling her that Darlene is a different ethnicity. I decided not to. I wondered if Jocelyn would say anything. She didn't.

I think children see through skin color. They simply don't notice it. I remember moving to PR at five and although I did notice the dark hair, and hated being so blonde, I don't remember noticing the darker skin. To children, a person is a person unless taught otherwise. When we moved back to the US, that is something I really struggled with - the lack of different skin colors where we moved to and the feelings about those different skin colors. My friends had previously had a variety of skin tones.

I am so much more conscious of that now. Some of those prejudices are seeping in. That bothers me. I simply want to see everyone as a soul. A lost soul or one who will join me in eternity.

1 comment:

Faithful Froggers said...

What a beautiful family you have! :) I will be praying for your friend, Darlene.