Saturday, September 13, 2008

As a Deer Panteth

As our oldest grandchild, Jocelyn enjoys spending time with us. She especially loves to go to the cabin so if I am able, I take her with me.
As we were walking down the road on Thursday night, I was sharing that it was September 11th. It was hard to explain to her the significance of that day in terms that she would understand. She understood 'fires cause by airplanes' and likened them to Hell. As we continued walking, we saw a deer standing in the woods. We talked about God's creation and about the world we live in.
Today when it was time to leave - it was pouring! It was quite honestly a comedy of errors as I strove to get her, the dog, and our belongings into the car traipsing through the mud from a newly dug well. As we got closer to home, the driving got more challenging. I told her that one day it would be a day we could look back on and laugh about together. More than laughing about our muddy, wet day, I hope she remembers our talks about God, His world, and that she continues to pant after Him as the deer panteth for the water.

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