Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Word

One of my biggest struggles is spending enough time in the Bible. Once I get going, I really love being in the Word. It's just the getting going that is rough. As I was studying about Eve today I realized something interesting. Once Satan tempted her, she offered the fruit to Adam who was with her! I always assumed she hunted him down or he came across her as he was out walking, but the Bible says that he was with her. Also, when God confronted them, He did not do it immediately but in the cool of the day. That gave them a chance to ponder what they did wrong. He also made them tell Him what they did. I have read this story countless times and yet gleaned these new insights. How many more are there yet to be discovered?
As I scanned through my weekly blog visits, there are so many needs - health, sorrow, a very long awaited adoption, storms of life. I pray for them as I go through my week and as God brings them to mind. He meets me in the cool of the evening and I listen for that still small voice.

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